World Info Legion
The WorldInfo Legion command gives you information about the current events happening in Broken Isles and other Legion areas.
The command has one required parameter event:
and two optional parameters schedule:
and region:
The event command has five options to select from.
Archeology Weekly
The Archeology Weekly event will display the schedule of the Archeology weekly quests
/worldinfo legion event:Archeology
Fishing Friend
The Fishing Friend event will display the schedule of the fishing friend daily quests.
/worldinfo legion event:fishing
Greater Invasion
The Greater Invasion event will display the schedule of the weekly Argus Greater Invasions.
/worldinfo legion event:greater-invasion
Karazhan Opera Event
The Karazan Opera Event will display the schedule of the weekly rotation for the opera event in the Karazhan dungeon (not raid)
/worldinfo legion event:karazhan
World Boss
The world boss event will display the schedule for the weekly rotation for world bosses in Legion.
/worldinfo legion event:worldboss
Optional Parameters
The region:
parameter allows you to display the current affixes for a region other than what the default realm and region from your server setup or channel data is set to.